Arma & More

Bohemia Interactive Was "Extremely Successful" in 2024

The largest Czech game studio, Bohemia Interactive, increased its revenues by 34% in 2024. The company sold almost five million games and DLC.

Marcel Kleffmann21.01.2025 14:50
Bohemia Interactive Was "Extremely Successful" in 2024
Picture collage from the company brochure Bohemia Interactive

Bohemia Interactive increased its revenues by 34% to CZK 1.4 billion (€55.65 million) in 2024. The studio sold 4.85 million copies of games such as Arma Reforger and DLC such as DayZ Frostline across PC, Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. In 2024, games from Bohemia Interactive were played by 17 million people around the world.
