Winter and Frey Step Down

Lionel Lovisa and Gary Paulini To Lead Limbic Entertainment

Limbic Entertainment is undergoing a major leadership transition as founders and managing directors Stephan Winter and Alexander Frey step down from their active roles at the end of the year. Lionel Lovisa and Gary Paulini will take over as the studio's new leaders.

Stephan Steininger29.11.2024 12:00
Lionel Lovisa and Gary Paulini, Stephan Winter Alexander Frey
Lionel Lovisa and Gary Paulini will lead Limbic Entertainment after the founder Stephan Winter and Alexander Frey step down from their active role as Managing Directors (from left to right) Bandai Namco/Limbic Enertainment

Founded in 2002, Studio Limbic Entertainment has been majority-owned by Bandai Namco since the fall of 2022, after the company acquired a minority stake in the Park Beyond maker the year before.
