African-European Coproduction

SpielFabrique Seeks Bridge Partners

Bridge by SpielFabrique is a programme to promote matchmaking and collaboration between game studios in Africa and Europe. European studios interested in participating are still being sought.

Marcel Kleffmann14.05.2024 10:40
SpielFabrique Seeks Bridge Partners
SpielFabrique seeks Bridge partners. SpielFabrique

The Coproduction Market programme "Match" by SpielFabrique is getting bigger this year, in particular by the inclusion of more countries for matchmaking and cooperation. More than 15 country partners are taking part in the matchmaking process. They will be mentored and supported by another programme called "Bridge", in which they will be specifically trained to enter into collaborations more efficiently. Bridge is a project that aims to bring African video game studios together with European studios to develop video game projects with cultural value.
