Magic: The Gathering Reveals Final Fantasy Cooperation on Gaming Site
For the first time, Magic: The Gathering publisher Wizards of the Coast has revealed the first concrete details of one of its gaming cooperations through a gaming website. On Monday, the company dropped the face cards of its commander decks on IGN.
Over the last few days, Wizards of the Coast has revealed the details of its cooperation between the Trading Card Game Magic: The Gathering and third video game cooperation of its history: Final Fantasy by the Japanese company Square Enix. Remarkably, this time the focus of the marketing efforts have been strongly focused on the video game sphere. For the first time, Wizards of the Coast has not hosted the first look themselves, as was the case with the Assassin's Creed cooperation, or given the opportunity to the game publisher, as was the case with Bethesda's Fallout series crossover. Instead, on Monday, the reveal of the most important game product from the Final Fantasy set, the Commander format decks with their prolific face card commanders, has happened on video game website IGN. Only a day later has Wizards of the Coast revealed the rest of the format, including prices for booster packs and bundles, on their own stream and website.