gamescom latam

12 Nominations for Studios from the GSA Region at the BIG Festival

A total of 962 games from 71 countries were submitted for the BIG Festival at gamescom latam. Now, the 90 finalists have been selected—including 12 games from 9 studios in the GSA region (Germany, Switzerland, and Austria). In addition, more exhibitors have been confirmed for the event.

Stephan Steininger13.03.2025 14:46
Dungeons of Hinterberg von Microbird Games und Songs of Silence von Chimera Entertainment sind für die BIG Awards gamescom latam nominiert
With Dungeons of Hinterberg and Songs of Silence, the GSA region has two multiple BIG Award nominees Microbird Games, Chimera Entertainment

Even though the BIG Festival shortlist is relatively long, it comes as a pleasant surprise for many European and German teams. Among the 90 finalists—selected from 962 submissions across 71 countries—numerous titles have been developed by European studios.
