Local Funding

More Than €1.1 Million in Funding for Eleven Games From Bavaria

The FFF Bayern is funding eleven new game projects from Bavaria with €1.1 million. Active Fungus Studios will receive €450,000 for the first-person city-builder Prospera, and Gentle Troll Entertainment will get €140,000 for a Tavern Talk prequel. For the development of prototypes, Pixel Maniacs will get €200,000 and Prof. Dr. Christoph Minnameier €100,000.

Marcel Kleffmann28.03.2025 11:06
More Than €1.1 Million in Funding for Eleven Games From Bavaria
Bavarias Digital Minister Fabian Mehring Robert Fischer/StMD

The FFF Bayern Games Funding Committee has decided to support eleven new game projects with a total of more than €1.1 million. Of this amount, €640,000 will go towards production funding for three games. The committee also recommended three prototype development projects, which will receive a total of €394,000. A further €110,000 will go towards the development of five concepts.
