Game Politics

Chancellor Candidate Robert Habeck Visits HandOfBlood

As a cultural medium of the digital society, games and gamers are playing a significant role in the election campaign. This is likely why Vice Chancellor and “Games Minister” Robert Habeck made his Twitch debut during a visit to HandOfBlood.

Stephan Steininger15.01.2025 09:14
Robert Habeck bei HandOfBlood Maximilian Knabe
Robert Habeck visits HandOfBlood Screenshot taken bei GamesMarkt

Robert Habeck is no stranger to the games industry. As Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, he has opened gamescom in Cologne for the past two years. His ministry oversees games in the current government, including federal games funding and the Deutscher Computerspielpreis (DCP; German Computer Games Award). It’s only logical that the "Games Minister" would reach out to the gamer demographic during his campaign as the chancellor candidate for Bündnis 90/Die Grünen.
